You don’t have to be Donald Trump to see that Col. Bree Fram is a man. You only have to be a human being with an evolved sex recognition heuristic in your brain. His maleness is obvious to all of us when we see it. Whereas sex recognition is instantaneous, thinking takes time and effort. We have to rub brain cells together before we remember that this man can make his subordinates use she/her pronouns when referring to him and punish anyone who does not.
Transgender ideology requires that everyone do the cognitive work of lying for Bree Fram. Transgender activists require the Department of Defense to commit training time and resources — effort — to “inclusivity” that amounts to special pleading. All of this effort has so far “included” more than 1,500 transgender service members, according to Fram, or about 0.0005 percent of United States armed forces personnel. As an activist, Bree Fram would call this a ‘marginalized community,’ but I call him a heterosexual male, married with two children, who enjoys cross-dressing, because I am not a liar.
This week, Donald Trump issued a new executive order that brings the lying to an end. Per the title, “Prioritizing Military Readiness and Excellence,” he wants to make the military into a lean, mean, fighting machine. This policy is “inconsistent with the medical, surgical, and mental health constraints on individuals with gender dysphoria,” the executive order reads. “This policy is also inconsistent with shifting pronoun usage or use of pronouns that inaccurately reflect an individual’s sex.” Bree Fram is no longer entitled to make people lie. Emphasis added:
Consistent with the military mission and longstanding DoD policy, expressing a false “gender identity” divergent from an individual’s sex cannot satisfy the rigorous standards necessary for military service. Beyond the hormonal and surgical medical interventions involved, adoption of a gender identity inconsistent with an individual’s sex conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle, even in one’s personal life. A man’s assertion that he is a woman, and his requirement that others honor this falsehood, is not consistent with the humility and selflessness required of a service member.
Fram “came out” as transgender on the day when then-President Barack Obama ended the Pentagon ban on transgender service in 2016. He “transitioned” while in a command position. In 2022, Fram was “the President of SPARTA,” an organization which “advocates and educates about transgender military service and is dedicated to the support and professional development of over 1300 transgender service members.” He had been a member of the organization since 2014, two years before “coming out” as transgender. No doubt he spent that two-year period in the closet looking fabulous.
Fram is the transgender military activist that every Washington reporter knows, so he gave many reactions to the executive order. NPR had him on to share his feelings with Scott Detrow.
FRAM: What this means for me and so many transgender service members is that we're back where we've been before, and we're dealing with a government policy that says we, in some way, shouldn't be part of the military...
FRAM: ...Our values don't align with the military. And that's a huge challenge because we've had over almost a decade of open service where we have proved, as transgender service members, that we meet or exceed the standards the military has.
This is DARVO inversion. Physical fitness standards have been complicated by the attempted denial of human sex difference. Unisex restrooms have become unit priorities. Medical transition demonstrably reduces readiness. Transgender activists tout suicide risk to justify the accommodations they demand, and suicidal people do not belong in uniform. Fram complained to Detrow that he and other transgender service members have been “basically invalidated” by Trump. Demands for validation are incompatible with the humility required to serve.
During the segment, Detrow and Fram invoked the alphabetical contrivance of progressive activism to monger fears of a broader backlash.
DETROW: I wanted to ask - looking over your bio, I noticed that you're colead on the United States Department of the Air Force's LGBTQ+ Initiatives team. Today, does that team still exist?
FRAM: That team does - no longer exists as of last week, so I am the former colead of that team.
I served in Bill Clinton’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Army. The key problem with DADT was that it required service members to lie about themselves. As explained above, the key issue with transgender ideology is that it requires the people in uniform to lie about each other. Lies are contrary to the good order and discipline needed for an effective fighting unit. “LGBTQ+” is a lie. Transgender is not a ‘new kind of gay’ and same-sex rights are incompatible with denial of human sex difference.
So contrary to popular belief, there is no reason to expect newly-affirmed Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth will revert to DADT. The closeted gay and lesbian soldiers I knew were not trying to stand out, either. They did not want to run a rainbow flag up the base flagpole, or special attention. They wanted to be treated as normal male and female soldiers, not members of the opposite sex. They met or exceeded the standards for their own sex.
The executive order notes that “many mental and physical health conditions are incompatible with active duty, from conditions that require substantial medication or medical treatment to bipolar and related disorders, eating disorders, suicidality, and prior psychiatric hospitalization.” Gender dysphoria is allegedly crippling, and crippled people do not belong in military uniform.
However, Bree Fram is not dysphoric. His problem is ideational. He is possessed by the idea of himself as a woman.
Bree Fram is not gay. He is either a transvestite — a man who enjoys wearing women’s clothing — or an autogynephile. Autogynephilia is a bizarre phenomenon. It is a man’s intense erotic desire for the woman he imagines himself to be. AGP is frequently associated with masochism. (Click here to listen to my interview with a scientist who studies autogynephiles.)
In a strange twist, heterosexual autogynephiles are often the most hypermasculine men. Some develop AGP while in service, some in retirement. Retired US Army veteran Jamie Shupe, who was celebrated as the world’s first “nonbinary” person, described his masochistic autogynephilia in a series of essays and podcast appearances. He recently underwent vaginoplasty, the artificial creation of a non-functioning vagina from his penis.
Statistically, however, Fram’s transition (“gender affirmation”) is unlikely to include vaginoplasty. Hard numbers are difficult to get, thanks to the obfuscation of the gender industry, but the best information available suggests that about 90 percent of adult males who identify as transgender retain their genitals. By Fram’s own accounting, Trump has now banned hundreds of intact males from flogging their penises around female “sleeping, changing, or bathing facilities” where they never did belong.
Col. Bree Fram’s career survived the first Donald Trump presidency and he may survive the second. Or he may decide that Space Force acquisitions is not the right role for him, anymore, because he no longer gets to use the female restroom or do political advocacy in uniform. What a test of character and dedication to duty.
It is bad enough that the Col. Bree Frams of this nation not only want everyone to go along with the fiction that they are female but expect that government, schools, businesses and other organizations will punish those who do not.
What makes their presence among us so difficult to deal with is that most men are thoroughly unconvincing as women to the point of being grotesque caricatures. The dissonance between the conceit and the reality is just too great. I will suspend disbelief for a lot of things. I won't do it for males who claim to be female, nor will I stand for being punished for refusing to believe what my eyes and mind are telling me.